AI Reading for Wednesday May 1
Time for a Turing Test game show - AI or not AI? To Tell the Truth, but you have to tell which member of the panel is AI.
Ukraine adds an AI avatar spokesperson. -
AI makes many artisanal bespoke tasks amenable to mass production. - Benedict Evans
Rumors of an OpenAI announcement on May 9 with a Perplexity competitor.
Suggests GPT-4.5 might be available soon, and maybe that it will be more of the same, possibly catch up to Gemini on multimodal and long context, and try to re-establish a clear lead for ChatGPT after Claude, Gemini caught up.
2019 email from Kevin Scott to Satya Nadella said he was 'very worried' that they were 'multiple years behind' - Business Insider
Scammers sell products that exist only in AI's hallucinatory imagination. - Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities
Upwork adds AI to better match remote workers and employers. - Fast Company
Coming soon: summon Gemini with an @ in the Chrome search bar. - Tom's Guide
Google introduces a medical LLM based on Gemini it says is the new state of the art. - Twitter
Sam's Club installs AI-powered exit checks in 20% of warehouse stores. - TechCrunch
AI assistance is a huge benefit to the elderly and disabled. - PCQ
Amazon's CodeWhisperer rebrands to Q Developer, adds full software development lifecycle stuff. - TechCrunch
Yelp has a new home repair AI bot that will quiz you on your needs. - CNET
Chegg and Coursera get taken down a notch by ChatGPT. - CNBC
Jailbreaking AI to make it talk dirty to you. - WSJ
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